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Rabu, 25 Maret 2015

BAKSO Ayam homemade
ala ummu fawaz

500gram daging ayam giling Di ambil dari 4 dada ayam, ambil dagingnya, tulang&kulitnya rebus jd kaldu dg air + daun bawang utuh(ikat) rebus dg api kecil, tmbahi garam+merica. Rebus hgga mendidih sisihkan.

-bawang putih 5siung bawang merah 3siung haluskan trus tumis dg 4sdm minyak goreng, angkat, biarkan dingin bersama minyak,sisihkan
-garam 2sdt
-merica bubuk 1/2 sdt
-tepung sagu 8-10sdm
-tepung terigu 2sdm
-1telur kocok lepas
-air es 8sdm

Cara membuat:
Daging ayam giling es (dari freezer), di campur dg smua bahan kec tepung, hingga tercampur &banting2 hingga 10-20x agar kenyal.
Setelah itu campur dg tepung2, aduk lg hgga rata, &banting kira-kira 5x.
Didihkan air, kecilkan api, masukkan bulatan bakso. Setelah mengapung, angkat.
Eit air didihan bakso jngan d buang, masukkan kmbali dlm air kaldu ayam td.

Sajikan bakso bersama kaldu yg telah di siapkan td.

Lengkapi kembali dg potongan daun bawang+seledri+ bawang goreng+kecap+jeruk sambal+ cabe

Siap makan. Nyaaammm
sumber temen dari fb

3 komentar:

kally jhon mengatakan...

Currently some people face transport level error that has been occurred mostly when you get the result from the server for a long time. Every first four days you can see this issue on your Gemini exchange and you never sure about it how you can face such issues. It should be happen repeatedly with no interference of human beings. It can also happen while updating issues or looking at list issues. The error message that will be appear on our screenit will be “It’s a SQL server error and contact your Dba. In order to resolve this issue you simply contact us on Gemini customer support number at 1-800-861-8259 team by calling on Gemini customer support number.
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Gemini Contact Number
Gemini Toll Free Number
Gemini Support Number
Gemini Phone Number
Gemini Helpline number
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Gemini Customer Support
Gemini Customer Service
Gemini Customer Service Number
Gemini Wallet phone Number

jhon kabul mengatakan...

F1 fault may appear on our Blockchain over range due to various reasons. But meaning of all those error that we face in Blockchain is always remain same. The meaning of error will be display relay control board thought that your temperature will be on your lower oven range is running away and get too much hot in order to fix out these issue you simply call upon Blockchain customer Service number at 1-800-861-8259 . It should be the best option and inform them about the issue that you face on Blockchain exchange our support team can check those issue and respond them immediately.
Blockchain Number
Blockchain Contact Number
Blockchain Toll Free Number
Blockchain Support Number
Blockchain Phone Number
Blockchain Helpline number
Blockchain Support Phone number
Blockchain Customer Support

jhon martu mengatakan...

Is your account got frozen? Do you know how to recover it? Well, account getting frozen is an issue of concern. If you don’t know how to fix this issue, all you can do is dial Binance support phone number and get your issue resolved in less time with utmost solutions and remedies. The experts will guide you every solution in step wise manner and help you at every step. So, immediately connect to binance customer service number team if you encounter any serious issue. If you get stuck in mid while using on Binance or faces difficulty Binance Customer Service Number using any Binance application, then you can reach the experts who have profound knowledge in solving the issues. You can contact them via Binance toll-free number anytime as per your choice.

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