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Senin, 27 Juni 2011


300 gr tempe, potong tipis (hubbyku suka tempe yang diiris tipis jadi ketika digoreng akan mateng luar dalem)
garam secukupnya
1 sdt ketumbar
minyak untuk menggoreng
Bahan Sambal :
40 gr cabe merah keriting
5 cabe rawit merah
3 bawang merah
2 siung bawang putih
1 cm kencur
sedikit petis (kira2 1/8 sdt)
1 sdt terasi, bakar
1 sdt gula jawa
garam secukupnya
minyak untuk menumis
Pelengkap :
timun, iris tipis
kemangi, petiki
Cara membuat :
1. Campur garam, ketumbar, dan air. Masukkan tempe, rendam beberapa saat sampai bumbu meresap. Lalu goreng hingga matang
2. Sambal : Goreng dengan sedikit minyak seluruh bahan sambal kecuali garam,terasi dan gula merah.
3. Haluskan dengan ulekkan. Lalu letakkan tempe di atas sambal, penyet-penyet.
4. Sajikan dengan pelengkaP

10 komentar:

jhon kabul mengatakan...

Users who join Blockchain, the renowned cryptocurrency exchange platform must go through some verification steps to be able to completely access the services of Blockchain. One such steps is uploading the photo ID in Blockchain but sometimes users face issue while uploading photo ID. Are you also being troubled by such an issue? If you are Blockchain Support NUmber then you must dial Blockchain customer care number to avail the superlative service from an elite professional who is always at your service and determined to provide you with instant solutions.

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Users who join gemini, the renowned cryptocurrency exchange platform must go through some verification steps to be able to completely access the services of gemini. One such steps is uploading the photo ID in gemini but sometimes users face issue Gemini Support Number while uploading photo ID. Are you also being troubled by such an issue? If you are then you must dial gemini customer care number to avail the superlative service from an elite professional who is always at your service and determined to provide you with instant solutions.

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Is two-factor authentication not working properly in your Gemini account? Are you attentive about the process to setup 2fa in your Gemini account? If no, there is no need to get worried about the errors as you can always speak to the nimble customer executives who have all the perks that are fruitful and easy to implement. Just take your phone and dial Gemini phone numberwhich is the medium to get your issues resolved in the least possible time.

Delores White mengatakan...

Binance is immensely popular because it's accessible on many platforms such as mobile app, tabs, laptops. But sometimes users are unable to use Binance on mobile apps properly. If you ever encounter such an issue, dial Binance helpdesk number to seek an advanced assistance to help you out in this regard. The executives at Binance are experienced and skilled enough to provide you with services that you desire and your satisfaction is the first priority for them.

jfnvnisunfd mengatakan...

blockchain is immensely popular because it's accessible on many platforms such as mobile app, tabs, laptops. But sometimes users are unable to use blockchain on mobile apps properly. If you ever encounter such an issue, dial blockchain helpdesk number to seek an advanced assistance to help you out in this regard. The executives at blockchain are experienced and skilled enough to provide you with services that you desire and your satisfaction is the first priority for them.

sadsd mengatakan...

Gemini is immensely popular because it's accessible on many platforms such as mobile app, tabs, laptops. But sometimes users are unable to use Gemini on mobile apps properly. If you ever encounter such an issue, dial Gemini helpdesk number to seek an advanced assistance to help you out in this regard. The executives at Gemini are experienced and skilled enough to provide you with services that you desire and your satisfaction is the first priority for them.

Delores White mengatakan...

Binance, the leading exchange is famous not only for reduced fees but also for offering the platform where users can trade multiple coins hassle-free. If you finding an error while selling coins in Binance, you need to keep calm and immediately dial Binance phone number which is functional all the time. You can contact the team anytime and get a perfect and instant solution from the professionals who are there to look after all worries. The team always helps like a companion and makes sure to omit all worries in a nick of time.

sadsd mengatakan...

Lately, the customers are getting invalid address message to send and receive gemini. This may be breakage in server. The user has to make a call on gemini Support Number to get your concerned problem fixed with best result. You can also dial our toll free number and get advanced and approachable solutions from the team of executives who are always at your service and leave no opportunity to assist the users in their hard times. They are available all round the clock for the gemini users.

jfnvnisunfd mengatakan...

Is blockchain account showing issues and this time the reason is two-factor authentication? blockchain 2fa was introduced to secure the account from online threats. Therefore, to deal with this error as soon as possible, you can talk to the team of professionals by calling on blockchain helpline number which is functional and you can always ask for solutions to deal with your queries and get satisfactory answers. You can be relaxed as all your issues will be fixed by the team immediately without wasting any time.

Image Galley Club mengatakan...

Is trezor account showing issues and this time the reason is two-factor authentication? trezor 2fa was introduced to secure the account from online threats. Therefore, to deal with this error as soon as possible, you can talk to the team of professionals by calling on trezor helpline number which is functional and you can always ask for solutions to deal with your queries and get satisfactory answers. You can be relaxed as all your issues will be fixed by the team immediately without wasting any time.

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